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How to Make 2015 a Successful Year with a 31 Day Calendar

How to Make 2015 a Successful Year with a 31 Day Calendar

Wow, I can’t believe that I’ve made it through another year of this local online and offline marketing thing. It’s been years since I started working my butt off in me and wife’s one bedroom apartment back in the early 2000’s.

Staying up late at night trying to figure out how I can make my life better. Which road is worth taking is what I asked myself back in those glory days of starting out. Fast forward it 10+ years, now I’m sitting right where I want to be because of two words…

Hard Work

I’ve taken the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years and packaged it up into a big present topped off with a big bow. Now I’m making it my mission to give this present out to all of those in the world who are looking to….I’ve taken the knowledge that I’ve accumulated over the years and packaged it up into a big present topped off with a big bow. Now I’m making it my mission to give this present out to all of those in the world who are looking to….

None of this will be possible without having a game plan for this coming year. Let’s make this the day that you sit down just like I did, and come up with a schedule to stick by for the next coming 30 days.

You see, this is just the first installment of being successful in 2015 by just merely setting up a plan of attack that you wish to do. Now, these are the things that you need to do every single day to help grow your business. My goals will be different from yours, so don’t get too emotional on how this needs to look.

My 31 Day Calendar

What I’m about to list here is a method that I came up with just the other day to keep me on task and schedule every single month of this 2015. I realized that in 2014, even though I did good on managing my time, I could’ve done a little better to be more productive online and offline when it came to marketing my business.

Just not this 31 day calendar can be used for any sort of activity that you’re trying to achieve each and everyday. But the concept is to keep you on task of doing every day things that will help grow your business, or allow you to complete certain tasks throughout the day.

Let’s goal is to get the main thing done each and every day to help grow my business online in 2015. These are the things that I must do on a daily basis if I want to see growth in my website, CMG, over the next 365 days. Check Out Mines

Now remember, I’m only focusing on a 4 hours a day action plan. Meaning, I’m only looking to work on my own business no more than 4 hours a day. This doesn’t include doing seo, local online marketing or building simple websites for clients. This is all about getting my brand, which is the Coleman Marketing Group, out there to millions of people this coming year, and here is the action plan I came up with. You can do the same thing for your business just by taking a little time to set it up.

Step by Step Process

I took my small dry erase board that is formatted like a 31 day calendar. You can go to Walmart and buy one of these for around $5 or so. To the left side of the board, which is all white for taking notes, I did a little math and found out that:

4hrs a day x 31 days a month = 124hrs of work time

Next, I wrote underneath that the tasks and actions that I wanted to achieve for that month, and how many hours I wanted to spend on that task. So this is the exact task that I wrote down on my board that I’m looking to follow each and everyday. This allows me to keep my schedule.

  1. 1,000 words a day at 1hr per day = 31hrs
  2. Online Local Marketing for CMG 1hr per = 31 hrs
  3. Podcasting 2hrs x day = 10hrs
  4. Networking 2hrs x 10days = 20hrs
  5. Blog Posting + Research 2hrs x 5days = 10hrs
  6. Guest Posting + Research 2hrs x 5days = 10hrs
  7. Video Marketing + Creation 2hrs x 5days = 10hrs
  8. Promoting My Content 2hrs x 5days = 10hrs
  9. CMG Website Maintenance ect.. 2hrs

Next, you see that I numbered them 1-9 to give them a number, instead of writing down each task as I need them throughout the month. So, I took the other side of the 31 day calendar and put the # 1 and #2 on all of the dates knowing that I have to do these every single day.

1,000 words a day

These are 2hrs a day tasks off the back, so I knowing coming in that I have 2hrs a day doing these two items no matter what. The 1,000 words a day method is something that I came up with a few years ago that has helped me create a book for this coming year, along with blog posts, guest posts and any other publications.

Online Local Marketing

Plus, the local online marketing is all about building my online presence in my own city. This can be done in so many forms, but the norm is content, videos, keynotes and more to get my brand out there locally in my own city. I work so much on my clients online presence, that I forget about improving mine.


Plus, I’m taking 10hrs this month to start and produce my first podcasting shows on iTunes. This is something that I have been talking about for about a year now, but it’s time to get it done. So, be on the look out to have me talking to you about all of this local marketing stuff through audio here soon.


One of the biggest goals that I have first this year is to network with about 1,000 people this year in all sorts of industries. But, the one that I’m focusing on first is the real estate industry. I’m working hard on helping every person in this industry market their business to the massive.

So, for the next 31 days I will be trying to get on the radar of 200 people, and keep this pattern throughout the year. By the end of the year I hope that I can turn to at least 1,000 people, and call them my online friend.

Blog Posting and Guest Posting

Now I’m making it my duty to keep this form of work up to par. This is where I take those 1,000 words a day and post them to my blog, or on other websites as guests. Plus, this includes doing the research, to formatting the content to look good so that people will share it.

Video Marketing + Creation

This is just another avenue to educate my readers, and those who are clients of mine. With their local marketing accounts, they are able to watch tutorial videos that show, educate and explain the whole concept of local marketing.

So, my goal is to keep producing great videos for those who want something visual versus having to read a bunch of content, which I hate to do at times.

Promoting my Content

This is where a lot of people fail when it comes to blogging, that they lack the efforts of promoting their content to the massive. There is a system behind websites like mine that gets thousands of people to visit them every single month. It all comes down to promoting that content once it’s up and live online.

CMG Website Maintenance

This is nothing more than keeping my site updated, and running smoothly. Keeping it safe and secure is what you need to be doing also, so if you’re not backing up your site, then you’re in trouble.

Putting it all Together

Each of the tasks have numbers by them, so I will just add a number for that day that is only for another 2hrs. So at the end of the day, I will have a total of 4 hours of tasks completed as I work my way throughout the month.

For Example

This is the pattern that I’m focusing on this month, and throughout the years to stay the course of higher success. Something like this is so easy to setup no matter what industry you’re in. I want to see you guys make that big jump this year with me.

My goal is to prove so much free content for you all this year, that I’m even ashamed to talk about it. But I understand that I must help you get to your goals in life, and at first start by you getting on task and on schedule.

Ready to Participate: Here is the homework

Go to your local Walmart or Target, and pick up you one of these boards. Go home and put together your 31 day calendar. Once you complete it, just take a picture of just the board or of you and the board. Email that photo over to me at 

I will do an update post, and add everyone’s calendar photo to that page, so that we can share it with all of our family and friends on Facebook, twitter and linkedin. This is something fun and exciting to do to get this 2015 kicked off the right way.

Please forward those pictures over no later than January 4, 2015

Happy New Year..and please comment and share this post to the left