Coleman Marketing Group 2014 Goals and Possible Achievements

This post is about 23 days too late from the beginning of the year until now. My hope was to get this out right after my december stats report which talked about the happenings of December, and a little about my goals for this year.

Today I’m going to touch on all parts of my goals for this year for CMG. I’m so excited about what’s going on already this year, so I know that if I can keep the momentum, then good things are bound to happen.

Why I’m Doing This?

There are a couple of reasons why I’m revealing to the world my goals for my own business. Number one is for you to take the time and think about doing this for your business. If you have any sort of business no matter if it’s an ice cream shop, donut shop or even a real estate company. It would be wise to write down the goals you have for yourself and your business.

My other reasons for this is to give me a chance to track the growth of my business from year to year. This is the first year I’m officially letting the world know about me, and CMG. Just the other day I did a good job of this to start the year off in my own community by doing an interview for our local paper called the Minden Press Herald.

Knowing where you are today, and where you want to be in the future is so important. Most small businesses go into the new year with blind folds and not knowing how they’re going to grow their business. Many of them keep the same path as last year from spending money on things which they don’t know if it’s working or not.


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Goals, Goals, Goals

CMG Podcast

One of the first goals that I have for this year is to start my very first podcast on local marketing. I’m so excited about this due to the fact that I will be able have a platform to share all my valuable techniques of dominating your local market.

cmg podcast

Most of the podcasts will be about me and me only, but at times I will bring on some other great marketing friends to share their expertise. So, about the end of the year I’m hoping to have anywhere from 40 to 50 live podcast shows on iTunes. I just can’t get started until I get a quality microphone, which I’m doing research on as of this post.

Due date to get this up and going is mid February.

 My First Book

Believe me when I tell you that I’m not any big time writer at all, but I do know local marketing and for this reason I’m making a big push in writing a book on this subject. The only thing I have done to date is put together my table of contents.

That’s completed so now all I’m working on is creating the cover of the book, which will be sold through Amazon. I’m looking to release this book sometime this spring, and I’m shooting for March or April as the release date. The book will only come in a downloadable form the first year, and after that, I will release it in hard back form. I just want to build up some momentum with it online and later on go main stream with it, like targeting the New York Best Sellers. “Wish Me luck on that One

Don’t’ get too comfortable because I’m looking to write at least three to four books for the year on other forms of marketing, so stay tuned.

Due date for this is March or April

Network with 400 to 500 Marketers

Talk about being on the grind to make things happen for the year of 2014. When I told my family that this is the year to take our business to the top of the mountain, I wasn’t joking at all.

Now you may be saying how in the world will I be able to network, and connect with that many people? The honest truth is if I email ten marketers per day that equals up to 300 contacts per month. Looking at only about 40 to 50 of those people to even respond, puts me around my goal for the year.

So the big elephant in the room is why do I want to do such a thing? Well, first when it comes to building a brand online or even offline, you must have fans which are people who cheer for you. Networking is all about building relationships and taking advantage of those when needed.

Now, I have many uses for these relationships which will take all day to cover. So as of now, know that you must be willing to build friendships online and offline if you want to grow your brand.

Due for this is December 31, 2014

Keeping it moving..

Obviously, I’m going to keep pushing the content out on this website from talking about local marketing, seo, networking and everything else I can think of to help you succeed.

You see these goals are short, sweet, and to the point but they are powerful collectively. This is what I call hitting homeruns when it comes to marketing. Most clients don’t get this when I say it’s better to hit homeruns in our marketing, versus hitting singles.

Meaning, to be productive growing your business, you must be willing to put in lots of time on things that are time consuming to get where you want to get. If you want to go from 100,000 a year to 150,000 the next year then you best crunch the numbers, and see how you can achieve that.

More than likely, you will have to hit the home runs in this marketing game to gain that growth you’re seeking. So, this year is all about hitting home runs from podcasting, writing my books to networking with over 400 to 500 marketers.

Now, I would like to know what your goals are for the year, and how do you plan on implementing them? Take a moment and share your goals below in the comment section.

Special Thanks to Minden Press Herald of Minden La from Antonio Coleman

I wanted to give a special thanks to Minden Press Herald, and reporter Melissa Harris who conducted an awesome interview. They really went out of their way to feature me and my company on the second page of their newspaper, which I know is one of the most viewed sections of the paper.

The cover took up about half of the top layer of the page, which had a picture of me smiling like I just hit the lotto. Over all, I loved it and it’s just the start of many things to happen for “CMG.”

Antonio Coleman at Minden Press HeraldMy goal for this interview was all about introducing myself to the public, so that people will know there is someone out there willing to help when it comes to marketing. Our city of Minden needs this more than ever compared to the research that I have done on other cities.

We need to get more creative in having websites for every business that has products or services. If you don’t have a website that gives your business a platform online where people can learn more about your company, then you’re in trouble.

What you will read in this article is that I replied that I’m not trying to gain clients by pitching my services. I’m just trying to educate people on what’s working for other small businesses around the country and world.

I talked to hundreds if not thousands of marketers, bloggers, and business owners who are doing things outside of the box to grow their businesses. So, it’s mind boggling to see us here in Minden not doing what we have to do to keep up with the changing trends.

This interview will be one of just many things that I’m looking to accomplish in this coming year of 2014. Yeah, I’m looking to do more newspaper interviews in the surrounding major cities such as Shreveport and Bossier City. Not to mention, that other small cities surrounding the Minden area are on my radar also.

My goal is to educate and tell people about all of the knowledge that I have when it comes to growing a business the smart way, versus just throwing money at this advertising thing just to see what will stick.

I have realized that the small businesses who think smarter, and take advantage of online marketing such as local marketing, seo marketing, email marketing, QR Codes, and text marketing are the ones who dominate their local market.

These are the people that I’m trying to reach, and Minden Press Herald gave me that opportunity to spread the word about something most businesses don’t even know about.

minden la marketing guru Antonio Coleman

I hope this article gets businesses to start thinking about coming up with new ways to market. Me setting you up on a marketing plan is extremely easy to do if those businesses want to grow starting today.

No, you don’t have to spend more money on advertising until you see what road you must take. Advertising in the newspaper still works if you know how to relay your message. Some small businesses will tell you fast that it does work, because they just can’t see the return it’s giving them.

For those businesses in Minden who want to advertise in the Minden Press Herald, I would say give me a ring first so that I can show you exactly how to place your ads so that people will take action. Because what you need to realize as a business owner, is that you want people to take action versus always selling to them.

So, I did this interview not to sell but to educate in hopes of someone taking action in our city or the surrounding area. To end this off, I would love to say that this year will be a good one for writing my first book, which will be completed this spring and can be found on Amazon.

Plus, I have a local marketing podcast I’m working on, which will be on ITunes so stay tuned for that.

Once again, I would like to thank Minden Press Herald and Melissa Harris for all their help, and for putting together an awesome article.

Monthly Stats Report for December 2013

coleman marketing group monthly stats reportI’m so happy to bring you all another stats report from Coleman Marketing Group LLC aka CMG. My goal of doing these are only for record keeping, and so you can see every website doesn’t start off by getting 100,000 visitors per month.

Yea I have website that get those numbers but for this site it’s all new to the game so its going to take time to get this ball rolling. Last months stats report of November wasn’t all that great but showed some growth in the site.

Todays stats report is for December, and what you will see below it wasn’t a good month at all for CMG. The traffic was down, and I mean down a lot but I will explain the reasons for that later. So lets take a moment and see what happen in December.

What Happened in December?

This past month of December 2013 was just a blur to me. It came and left a little too fast me due to all the excitement. December is really a hard month to get work done when you’re not as established as other top marketing websites.

You see I’m still growing my content, readers and networking partners so my stats for this month are not good as all when it comes to growth.

The holiday spirit is in the air from kids been out of school to planing holiday parties. Now you have to make time to get gifts for the love ones, and the next thing you know its January 1. 

Just for this reason my growth wasn’t what it was and yes it showed. Just getting a measly 281 visitors this past month is not good.

But this goes back to what I was saying about this is a holiday not just for me but for the entire world who celebrates this month. So my numbers are going to drop during this time of the year due to people spending more time offline than online.

Plus those that are online are doing more of shopping versus wanted to learn how to market their business locally. Even small businesses are focus more on the holidays, and looking more to the new year to start seeking out help to market their business.

Even though this was a holiday month I decided it was a perfect month to start working on my ultimate local marketing guide. I’m still working on the other chapters as of 1/5/2013 so be patient because the rest of them are coming.

I’m putting this together for small businesses can follow the exact steps on dominating their local market on their own. The top 3 local marketing strategies are local profiles, video marketing and Facebook marketing.

I’m doing full detail blog post on each, and every subject to show you how to implement this into your business. These blog post are taking a lot of time to do which really taking me from doing two blog posts per week to only one.

So overall this guide will be used at my free workshops this year so can I cover these local marketing strategies with audience. My goal is to give this away to them so it will be a blueprint platform for them to follow on doing this on their own.

Plus this will be included in my 31 tips of how to market your business guide. Not only will people learn how to dominate their local market with my 31 tips they will also get those tips explained in detailed because I will be doing long in-dept post for each tip.

Now that’s call a how to market your business guide you just can’t live without. It tells you about the 31 tips to grow your business, and then will show you step by step on how to achieve it. 

December Stats

Like I said above the month of December is a tough month if you don’t already have a big online presence. This website is only 8 months old so it doesn’t have that authority to gain unlimited traffic without me working to get it. 

So due to this been a holiday month on top of not having a big online presence the site just couldn’t produce enough auto traffic. I was only able to generate 281 visit this month which is not a lot at all but believe me this year of 2014 will be the break year of getting good targeted traffic.

Monthly Stats Report for December 2013 1

Overall Numbers

3394 total visits from day one to now seem like a low ball of a number. I don’t like it but I do understand for a new website online I’m going through the beginning stages of growth.

I been studying marketing, and blogging for a long time now, and one thing I realize is that time is everything. Many of the top websites took a couple of years of hard marketing to see any growth so my goal for this year is to be patient but consistent.

So even though my numbers are dead in the water as of now I know by this time next year I should easily be getting over a 1,000 visitors per month. But as of now I’m scrapping the bottom of the barrel to make this website into one of the top marketing websites in the world.

Monthly Stats Report for December 2013 2

Links to My Site

Every link online is just another place for someone to navigate to your site. Getting your links on as many websites you can will help you be found by many.

There are two types of link that are good that you need to be getting as a website owner. One of those links is from social network sites such as digg, Facebook and Twitter just to name a few. From here your links can be shared to hundreds, thousands or even millions of people.

The next good links that can help your site is someone linking to you. People build authority websites so if someone finds a link from their website to yours, then this can mean targeted traffic for you.

Basically at this point these are the links I’m attracting these days in the early stages of CMG. So the 572 links you see below are mostly from social sites, and a number of people linking to me. Can’t wait to see how many links I have at this time next year so stay tune.

Monthly Stats Report for December 2013 3

Search Queries

Can’t say whats going on when it comes to my rankings for my search queries. One day I’m ranking for top keywords online, and the next day I’m no where to be found.

Personally my search traffic started to drop back in August 2013 which I talked about in that months stats report. The traffic has been up and down, so I’m just going to be patient and see what Google has in store for me in 2014. 

Monthly Stats Report for December 2013 4

2 Blog Post Per Week

Didn’t get this feat done this month due to what I described above. I sat back and completed some other projects I was working on. Most of that time in December was spent doing research, and putting together my local marketing guide. 

Find the already done chapters below..

Ultimate Local Marketing Domination Guide by Antonio Coleman

How to Search for Local Keywords and Dominate the Market

December Taught Me

This past month just taught me to be more prepared next year. There are a number of things I can do to get more engagement on the site during this month. Since people spend more time online looking for items to buy I think it will be smart of me to implement things I can sell.

Now at this moment I have no clue if I will sell anything, but as of now I know given my potential readers some sort of holiday incentive will encourage more engagement and traffic. 

Goals for January and 2014

For this month I’m really still looking to do more research, and setup of my very first podcast for CMG. I said it would be setup in December but after looking at a number of podcast shows that’s related to my niche I found something very interesting.

Instead of me just jumping into the fire of producing podcast I realize I need to come out the gate with at least 10 episodes already done. Plus I see something other shows are doing that I could do better. So i’m not in a rush to get it up and ruining until I have a complete game plan, but it will be up and running before my next monthly stats report.

Plus I’m hoping to continue the research for my first book on “Dominating Your Local Market” Once I complete my research from setting up my table of content and know exactly what I want every chapter to contain than I will then start the process of writing. My writing will consist of writing about 1,000 words per day until I complete this project.

Goals for the year are very simple and plan.

1. Network with 1,000 marketers

2. Get 10,000 visitors

3. Create 50 podcast shows

4. Do 15 free workshops

5. Get featured in 50 newspapers

6. Get on the radio

7. Gain 24 paying clients

8. Staying Consistent