Coleman Marketing Group 2014 Goals and Possible Achievements

This post is about 23 days too late from the beginning of the year until now. My hope was to get this out right after my december stats report which talked about the happenings of December, and a little about my goals for this year.

Today I’m going to touch on all parts of my goals for this year for CMG. I’m so excited about what’s going on already this year, so I know that if I can keep the momentum, then good things are bound to happen.

Why I’m Doing This?

There are a couple of reasons why I’m revealing to the world my goals for my own business. Number one is for you to take the time and think about doing this for your business. If you have any sort of business no matter if it’s an ice cream shop, donut shop or even a real estate company. It would be wise to write down the goals you have for yourself and your business.

My other reasons for this is to give me a chance to track the growth of my business from year to year. This is the first year I’m officially letting the world know about me, and CMG. Just the other day I did a good job of this to start the year off in my own community by doing an interview for our local paper called the Minden Press Herald.

Knowing where you are today, and where you want to be in the future is so important. Most small businesses go into the new year with blind folds and not knowing how they’re going to grow their business. Many of them keep the same path as last year from spending money on things which they don’t know if it’s working or not.


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Goals, Goals, Goals

CMG Podcast

One of the first goals that I have for this year is to start my very first podcast on local marketing. I’m so excited about this due to the fact that I will be able have a platform to share all my valuable techniques of dominating your local market.

cmg podcast

Most of the podcasts will be about me and me only, but at times I will bring on some other great marketing friends to share their expertise. So, about the end of the year I’m hoping to have anywhere from 40 to 50 live podcast shows on iTunes. I just can’t get started until I get a quality microphone, which I’m doing research on as of this post.

Due date to get this up and going is mid February.

 My First Book

Believe me when I tell you that I’m not any big time writer at all, but I do know local marketing and for this reason I’m making a big push in writing a book on this subject. The only thing I have done to date is put together my table of contents.

That’s completed so now all I’m working on is creating the cover of the book, which will be sold through Amazon. I’m looking to release this book sometime this spring, and I’m shooting for March or April as the release date. The book will only come in a downloadable form the first year, and after that, I will release it in hard back form. I just want to build up some momentum with it online and later on go main stream with it, like targeting the New York Best Sellers. “Wish Me luck on that One

Don’t’ get too comfortable because I’m looking to write at least three to four books for the year on other forms of marketing, so stay tuned.

Due date for this is March or April

Network with 400 to 500 Marketers

Talk about being on the grind to make things happen for the year of 2014. When I told my family that this is the year to take our business to the top of the mountain, I wasn’t joking at all.

Now you may be saying how in the world will I be able to network, and connect with that many people? The honest truth is if I email ten marketers per day that equals up to 300 contacts per month. Looking at only about 40 to 50 of those people to even respond, puts me around my goal for the year.

So the big elephant in the room is why do I want to do such a thing? Well, first when it comes to building a brand online or even offline, you must have fans which are people who cheer for you. Networking is all about building relationships and taking advantage of those when needed.

Now, I have many uses for these relationships which will take all day to cover. So as of now, know that you must be willing to build friendships online and offline if you want to grow your brand.

Due for this is December 31, 2014

Keeping it moving..

Obviously, I’m going to keep pushing the content out on this website from talking about local marketing, seo, networking and everything else I can think of to help you succeed.

You see these goals are short, sweet, and to the point but they are powerful collectively. This is what I call hitting homeruns when it comes to marketing. Most clients don’t get this when I say it’s better to hit homeruns in our marketing, versus hitting singles.

Meaning, to be productive growing your business, you must be willing to put in lots of time on things that are time consuming to get where you want to get. If you want to go from 100,000 a year to 150,000 the next year then you best crunch the numbers, and see how you can achieve that.

More than likely, you will have to hit the home runs in this marketing game to gain that growth you’re seeking. So, this year is all about hitting home runs from podcasting, writing my books to networking with over 400 to 500 marketers.

Now, I would like to know what your goals are for the year, and how do you plan on implementing them? Take a moment and share your goals below in the comment section.

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