The Advance Guide of Local SEO Video Marketing to Dominate Your Local Market

The Advance Guide of Local SEO Video Marketing to Dominate Your Local Market

Welcome to the chapter of this local marketing domination guide where things heat up. In chapter 2, I took you by the hand and showed you how to create a local domination force by using free small business directory citation websites.

So, if you haven’t taken a look at that guide, then when you finish here, take a moment to check it out. It’s filled with a step by step process of building your local presence the manual way.

Today is all about the other part of local marketing that I love more than anything in the world. This form of local marketing is called local SEO video marketing. Now comes the fun part of dominating your local market by utilizing videos to push the competition out of the way.

Most people don’t even know that you can rank videos online. If you ask people, they will tell you that they thought only content could be moved up and down the rankings.

The truth of the matter is that content is king, but videos are the prince of that king. The video is dominant in the form that most of us would rather watch a video versus reading something.

These numbers come directly from YouTube’s website itself.

  • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month
  • Over 6 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube—that’s almost an hour for every person on Earth, and 50% more than last year

  • 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute

  • 80% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US

  • YouTube is localized in 61 countries and across 61 languages

  • According to Nielsen, YouTube reaches more US adults ages 18-34 than any cable network

  • Millions of subscriptions happen each day. The number of people subscribing daily is up more than 3x since last year, and the number of daily subscriptions is up more than 4x since last year

The numbers are staggering for those who want to jump into the video marketing community. If you can sit down and analyze your market to see who your competitors are, then you can outdo them in the marketing game, and you will become the dominant force in your industry.

The point is to use video to get in front of those who search from the search engines, and those who search from Youtube. The truth is that the 2nd most used search engine is Youtube, but the first one is Google. So guess who owns YouTube…Google?

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What I will be covering in this guide is the complete steps of dominating your market locally and nationwide. Now some of you may not understand what I mean about local video marketing versus national video marketing. So, to clear this up, here is an example of some keywords targeting both markets.

 National Video Marketing Keywords

  1. Real Estate
  2. Homes for Sale
  3. Real Estate for Sale
  4. House for Rent

 Local SEO Video Marketing Keywords

  1. Shreveport Real Estate
  2. Shreveport Homes for Sale
  3. Shreveport Real Estate for Sale
  4. Shreveport House for Rent

So, as you can see, the keywords above are targeting two different markets. By the way, you must do good keyword research before you even think about doing local marketing. The right keywords will bring the treasure to your door, but choosing the wrong ones can completely suck all the time and energy out of you.

The keywords in the first list of “National Video Marketing Keywords” are very highly competitive keywords that can take you anywhere from 30 to 120 days to rank highly if you know how to do SEO. SEO is something we will talk about at the end of this guide because without that; you’re not going to outrank anyone if there is some competition base.

It’s a lot harder to rank highly for those national keywords because now you’re competing with millions of websites that are using that word and have been linked to thousands of websites.

Now, with the local “Video Marketing Keywords,” things get a little bit easier because now you’re competing only with the websites and companies in your town, city, or state. So the number of people competing for “Shreveport real estate” is astronomically smaller versus the national searchers.

So, I’m looking to educate you on how to do video marketing both nationally and locally. The rules apply to both. It’s just that it will take a lot longer and more time to dominate a national keyword versus the good ole local keywords.

Just know that when you finish this guide, you will be able to dominate any market that you want on this planet. No matter if you’re a real estate company, and want to be known nationwide or that local real estate company who just wants to build that number one presence locally.

You will have the keys to grow your business without picking up a phone to call any marketing company. You will be able to do this all by yourself if you choose to. I’m here to help those along the way who need help, advice, or need it done for you. All you have to do is contact me, and we will set up a marketing plan to get your business in front of thousands or millions of people on a daily basis.

So, before we jump into the meat of this, take a moment to say hi to all the CMG readers, and take a second to add your business to my free online business directory.
Let’s Get Started.

Join 2,387 other People:Businesses and Download Antonio’s 31 Tips to Dominating Your Local Market Guide - ALL FOR FREE

What is SEO Video Marketing?

Video marketing is nothing more than you creating a video in a content form, talking head form, tutorial form, or screen capture to share with the world. Most videos take on this approach no matter what you search for on one of these video websites.

People are making videos to get their message out there to millions of people for free. This is one of the top ways of getting free advertising for your brand, no matter the industry. People are lazy in today’s market, and no one wants to read about this story or that story.

We would rather watch a video telling us about this or that instead of reading a magazine, newspaper, or blog. So those who know how to do video marketing are the ones who can build their audience up online by creating videos people are searching for.

So, what we do is create the videos that our audience is looking for and rank them online. We use the right keywords because we don’ want to target the New York market for a local video campaign when our business is located in Louisiana.

Determining the right keywords is the most critical aspect of SEO video marketing. If you get this wrong, then you will never achieve the numbers that you’re looking for.

Before we get into setting up a video campaign account and creating our video, I want to let you in on a little secret. This is something that many of you may have been thinking of and wondering how you will work around it.

Yes!!! I’m Afraid of Doing Videos

Over the years, if I had a dollar for every time, someone told me that they are not video type people. Meaning they’re not the upbeat person who can sit in front of a camera and talk. They’re terrified of how they look, sound and will be viewed by their audience.

Take it from a guy who has created at least 500 videos from 2007 to the present date. I had a successful YouTube channel that I built over the years, where I just discussed topics about marketing. Just in one year, I was able to obtain 8,764 subscribers and over 1,000,000 video views.

Some of these videos are just a talking head of me rambling about all topics of online and offline marketing. Some of these were screen capture tutorial type videos where I took the viewer by the hand and showed them a case study, strategy, or some form of tactic to help them become a better marketer.

Even though at first, my videos weren’t the best quality, because I was using my Logitech Camera, which I still have today sitting at my office desk. People still followed me and wanted to learn more about the things I had to offer.

By saying that, your videos don’t have to be perfect because there is no such thing as being perfect in life online or offline. I’m going to get into video creation here later, but I understand your videos can be done in many ways.


  • Employees can do it
  • Hire an actor or actress
  • Just do some screenshots
  • Do a captured video
  • Or my favorite..use a free video making website..learn more below about it.

Setting Up a YouTube Channel

First, you must have a Google account to be able to have a YouTube account. If you been living underneath a rock for all these years, you will not have known Google owns YouTube, so get a Google account if you don’t have one.

So, they like to have you create one account that can be used with all of their programs. If you already have an account, then you can sign on YouTube and get prompted to customizing your profile.

Before we move any further, I would like to say for video marketing; you don’t have to get too complex when it comes to customization of your account profile. Your goal here is to have an account where you can post videos when needed.

But, by saying that, if you want to brand your business, then take some valuable time customizing your account so that it fits your brand. I know that most of you out there are business owners and not online marketing geeks like myself. So if this is something over your head, then don’t worry, just a simple profile will do.

Now, if you don’t have an account, then apparently, you must get one setup, and this only takes about 5 minutes to do. I’ve posted a screenshot of how the sign-up page looks just in case you wanted to make sure that you’re in the correct place. Get a Google/Youtube account here.

google and youtube signup form

Next, once you’re signed up and ready to go, it’s now time to log into your YouTube account. With this chapter of the guide, I could have gone into detailed instructions on how to customize your profile. But like I said earlier, it doesn’t matter that much about your profile look unless you’re going after the branding aspect of it.

 The only thing that I would say about getting your profile ready is to get the name of your account searchable on YouTube and on Google.

I talked a lot in the first chapter when it comes to building an online presence by having your business listed on hundreds, if not thousands of profile websites. Your YouTube channel is just another profile type website that will be listed in the search engines.

Now you can go to your Channel Settings and make the changes I’m about to talk about. So basically, you have two options for naming your YouTube profile, which are.

  • Branded with your Company name such as “Coleman Marketing Group LLC.”

  • Or you are branded with the local keyword targeting your local market such as “Minden Marketing Company or Shreveport Marketing Company.

You will have to decide which route you will like to go to. My recommendation is that if you can squeeze in your company name and keyword, then now you’re in the driver seat, but if not, then roll with one or the other.

Ready, Set, Go

Now you had the YouTube account setup and customized with your choice of branding; it’s time now to create our first video. This is the part where you start to get nervous because for the one you’re not an actor or actress, so how in the world will you build the guts up to stand in front of a camera and speak to the world?

No fear I’m here to help you get over those fears in a way that you don’t even have to get on camera. That’s don’t even have to get on the camera you can use photos to create your video. Below I will teach you the step by step process of making quality videos that rank highly in the search engines.

Creating Simple 30 Second Videos

Now comes the part of this guide where we get down to the business of creating videos that will promote your business online to potentially millions of people.

Video marketing is something that I’ve been doing consistently every since 2007, when I created my first YouTube channel. This YouTube channel consists of me creating awesome Internet marketing videos where I teach people how to grow their business and how to market their website and how to grow that domination online.

What we are going to talk about in this part of the chapter is how to create short 30 second videos that bring results to your company. These videos will be short videos that we can get posted to YouTube and create a microenvironment around keywords that can be found in the search engines.

These videos do not have to be high-quality type videos, which only needs to be photos screenshots and text in just a link back to your website or any Facebook page that we have set up surrounding your company.

So What Type Videos?

There are only five videos you must create to be able to dominate your local market. These videos will be for branding and able to get targeted traffic to your website, profiles, or social media websites such as your Facebook page.

Videos to create will be…

  1. Company video
  2. Testimonials video
  3. Customer review video
  4. Discount video
  5. Targeted niche keyword video

But before we get into how we’re going to create these videos, lets first talk about why these five types of videos. One thing I have learned over the years is to educate people as much as you can because if you do, then you steam for them to action. So fundamentally, you must first understand why we are making these videos even to get the process.

Company Video

This is the video that will be all about you and your company to give people who search for your company name a blueprint of how you do business. To provide an example of this, then Google my company name, and you will find a video of me talking about CMG.

Testimonials Video

When people do this search for your company, it’s great to have a video of testimonials from current or past clients/customers. Now you can do this with the method that I will be talking about below, or you can video them, put it all together on one video, and get it posted to your YouTube account. Testimonial videos are powerful because once people see videos like this, they are more inclined to do business with you.

Customer Review Video

Reviews are influential to your reputation, which I talked about a lot in the first chapter of this guide, and which I talk about entirely in building an online presence with business directories.

Reviews can be put into videos by using screenshots of the reviews. As I said, when people are searching for you online, it’s valuable to have videos in place to do the marketing and selling for you.

Discount Video

Want to get more people coming to your place of business? Then create a discount video. People love free stuff, so if you can offer a discounted video at a deal, then your potential customers will love it. Creating a short discount video is like honey to a bee, because once people see this, they can’t resist to redeem it.

Targeted Niche Keyword Video

You want to be found by your company name, but also most importantly, it’s highly valuable to be ranked for targeted niche keywords. If people are searching for “Shreveport real estate,” then you better have a video talking about Shreveport real estate. People will 99% of the time find you by doing a local search containing your niche keyword, so make sure to optimize your video to be seen.

Making Free Videos With Animoto

Animoto has been around for years now, and thousands of videos are created by it every day and every year. I started to use their service back earlier in 2009 to produce short niche videos.

These videos were only about getting a message out to whoever I was targeting. With Animoto, they allow you to create unlimited videos for free using their platform. For this reason, I was able to create tons of videos in a short amount of time that serves an audience.

Now, all you have to do is gather up all of your material that you’re looking to put into your videos from photos to screenshots. With this platform, all you have to do is upload your pictures, and the system will do the rest.

Steps Of Creating Videos

First and foremost, you must have an account, so run over there and setup you a free account. Just remember that they have some options on upgrading to a paying service, but you don’t need that unless you choose to. What I will teach you below will be enough to get your videos ranked without using their upgrade system. But, as I said, if you want to get a little more bang for your video, then upgrade to one of the monthly packages.

To start creating your first video out of five, you must click on “Create.”

Welcome to Animoto from Coleman Marketing Group LLC

Next, you will be taken to a page where you can pick the style of video that suits your needs.

Coose a style for Animoto from the Coleman Marketing Group LLC

After picking your style comes the platform that allows you to create your video. From here, it’s pretty much self-explanatory when it comes to adding photos, text, and naming your video from one of the five video categories above.

This is by far the #1 thing you must do, is the name your video the keyword you want to rank for. Plus, don’t forget in the description to add your website, Facebook page, or your business profile. That link must be the first thing in your description, followed by what your video is about.

Animoto interface allows you to do this with ease as you are customizing your video. So don’t make this any harder than what it is, because it’s easy to create your video by using the simple to use tools.

Create your video on Animoto from Coleman Marketing Group LLC

Finally, once you create your video, it will be posted to your account, where you will be given many options. The first option you can see below is that you can share your video on Facebook, Twitter, and a couple of other platforms.

What we want is to get this video posted onto our YouTube account we set up earlier. The good thing about Animoto is that you can post right to YouTube from this page. You don’t even have to leave Animoto to get your video up and live on the second most searched search engine.

So, once you click the YouTube icon, it will prompt you to log in to your YouTube account or export it out. Once you export it, your video will take anywhere from two to five minutes to become live.

Now, you just created the first video that will allow you to dominate your local market. Now comes the part of this guide when we go that step further in ranking our video so that it shows up in the top of the search engines for our targeted keywords.

No SEO For 7 Days

Video marketing, when it comes to local marketing, is pretty easy straight forward stuff. Now I say this compared to trying to rank a video for a worldwide term such as.

  • Real Estate Company

  • Mortgage Company

  • Bike Shop

  • Life Insurance Companies

These keywords will be tough to rank for even doing video marketing. It gets even harder if you have a business surrounding that industry, and trying to get it ranked nationwide will be like climbing a mountain with 1,000,000 people in front of you.

But, if you take those same keywords above and add the following, then the game gets a little easier.

  • Shreveport Real Estate Company

  • Dallas Mortgage Company

  • New Orleans Bike Shop

  • Chicago Life Insurance Companies

Now, instead of fighting with 1,000,000 websites, now you might be competing with anywhere from 1 to maybe 50 websites in your industry. So, getting local rankings will be a lot easier, but you will still have to put in some work maybe.

By saying that, once your video is live on YouTube, it’s time to do the waiting game for about a week. What you will notice is that your video, if done right, will at least get posted into the search engines within 24hrs.

Now it may not be ranked highly for your targeted keyword, but it should be at least in the top 50 results. Plus, the chances are that you’re the only person in your industry locally that will have a video connected to their business. Like I said earlier in this guide, is that video stands out to the searchers, so even if you’re not number one or you’re just in the top 5, people will be more inclined to click on your video versus any other listing.

Before you even think about doing any SEO to boost your video, you first must give it some time to settle into the search engines. Google seems to joggle websites and videos around for about a week when it comes to local videos.

So, after that time, you should see your exact spot in the search engine. But there will be videos where you will almost automatically get first-page ranking, and that’s for your company name video. Doing a video on your company name is first and foremost, because people will Google you, and that will be the most accessible video to rank.

Unfortunately, the other videos surrounding your niche market might take a little more effort in doing SEO on them to move them up the rankings.

Basically, after one week, you might see something like this after one week.

Company name video ranking between 1 to 5

Niche video ranked on pages 3 to 5, “depending on the competition level.”

So, after one week, you’ll know that you’re right when it comes to your company video because sooner or later, it will hit number one if you don’t have a website or number 2 if you do have a website. You now have a video in place, and if anyone ever Googles your company, then they will get to know who and what you guys do before you even talk to them.

Unfortunately, that niche video hasn’t made it to the front page yet, and if it did, then it might be in the last spot on the page. Not knowing the industry is hard to say where a video will end up, but from doing this for so many years, I do know that you will at least be in the top 50 results.

One Week Later

One week has passed, now it’s time to do some SEO magic to get our video moving to the top so our potential customers and clients can find us. But, before we get into all of the fun of ranking videos, let’s first talk about why it’s more to rank videos versus your websites.

Video Ranking vs. Website Ranking

First, I would like to say that for over the years 10 years now; I have been studying SEO from the beginning days, where you just had to write some good content on your website to get it ranked. To where inserting keywords into your meta tags was the thing to do for those who wanted to call so cheat the system.

Those days were very good to us SEO guys who knew how to create content that ranked regardless of the quality. So back then, it was about getting your website ranked locally to get customers to find your product or services.

Sad to say that those days are long gone, and if you do have a company website, you must go through trial and error to see any results. It can take 2, 3, 6 months to build any traction through the online world to build up your presence locally. Even worse, if you’re not a marketer who knows how to construct your website in the right way, then you have no chance of getting local exposure.

Ranking websites can become very time consuming if you don’t have that sort of time on your hands. There are so many technical issues from building backlinks to tracking your rankings.

These are the things as a small business owner that goes completely over your head of expertise. Plus, the rules and regulations have changed so much over the years that it’s almost 100% impossible for you to succeed.

The reason for this is that all of the people who, for years, have been trying to cheat the search engines to get to the top fast. So now it’s hard to gain any success with your website only if you know exactly what you’re doing. So for all of you business owners out there, it’s a better way to getting your business found more natural and faster.

Video Rankings 100%

Ranking videos are not completely easy, but it’s not hard either. If you’re trying to rank a video for a national keyword such as “real estate,” then I would tell you that this will be extremely hard to do. You will need to have a great SEO guy or know how to do SEO yourself to even sniff the front page.

The reason I say this is because of all of the authority websites that are listed there. Many of them are nationwide websites with millions of pages to them, so they’re well-liked by the search engines.

These websites have thousands or millions of links pointing to them. This is what makes it so hard to take a video to the #1 page and rank it higher in the search engine because you’re competing with active ranking sites.

But as I said, if you know SEO, then you can make it to the front page, but it will take a lot of hard work due to being a dominant search term. Plus, I searched for “real estate” and found that there were no videos on the front page that don’t surprise me.

Thanks to this guide, you will be able to use video marketing to dominate your local market. No matter your industry, you will be able to create an online video presence that will put you light years ahead of the local competition.

Videos are easier to rank locally in your city for your given keyword. There are fewer competitors, and the websites in your local market are not as strong as the nationwide websites. So, to use my keyword “Shreveport real estate” that gets about 1,900 searches per month, which is a lot of people looking to buy or sell some real estate in Shreveport.

So, if you do a google search for “Shreveport real estate,” you will notice that there is a local real estate website for the Shreveport market. This is pretty much the only local website that is ranking organically in the top ten. Now, there are Google places listings on the page, but they don’t count as much as they’re not in the organic section.

For you to understand how ranking videos locally are more effective than ranking nationally, then I must explain the following. On this page, you should see lots of national websites ranking on the front page, but the local website is #1 or in the top 3, depending on your search location.

Why is a local website outranking great national websites?

The simple answer is that the search engine sees that site as a local authority over the national brands. The local website is strong enough when it comes to its keywords and content on the page to outrank them. Frankly, what I discovered is that a video will rank just as well because, for one, YouTube is owned by guess who? Google.

For this reason, right off the back, your local video will rank well if it’s targeted and formatted correctly. Once that happens, it only comes down to doing some basic SEO to get it moving if it’s not on the front page in the top 3 spots. Remember, you don’t have to get it to number one, but it needs to be at least in the top 3 to be able to get seen so that people can click on it.

To sum it up, a website can take so much time to rank if you need to get it up on top in a hurry. But with a video, you can create unlimited amounts of them and get them ranked for any local keyword surrounding your industry. Once people find them by searching for your product and services, they can then click on your website in the description and follow it over to your product or service page.

If you look at it, it’s really like ranking your website, but you’re piggybacking off of the authority of videos to make it happen. But the only way you’re going to be able to drive thousands of people to your place of business is by doing videos, and ranking them is that you must know how to even get them to #1.

So here goes…

Blueprint to Ranking a Video

Here comes the fun part of growing business locally in your niche market. It’s about ranking your videos so you can put your brand, products, or services in front of thousands, if not millions of people every month.

Ranking videos are done from having it formatted correctly, which I talked about above, to end it off by building links to your video. Links are what rank a website, citations profiles, social media profiles, and yours truly…Videos

Here is the formula of building links, and if you follow this formula to the tee, then you will see the movement of your video in the search engines. Below I will explain to you how this process works and the actions you must take to get things started.

Linking Game Plan

What you need to do is go out and create backlinks on web 2.0 sites, article directories, profile sites, bookmarking websites, or any place you can get a link. So now, let’s check out how this process works when it comes to creating a link to building links to the link you just created.

There are tons of web 2.0 websites out there such as WordPress, Blogger, Squidoo, HubPages, to name a few of them. But I’m only going to focus on one web 2.0 website, which is As I said, there are tons of free places to get links from, but for this approach, I’m only going to focus on one platform at a time.

But first, here is a small list of places where you can start building links.

Top Web 2.0’s Sites


List of the 128 Top Web 2.0′s Websites

Top Ten Articles Directories


50 Top Article Directories for SEO and Link Building

Top Ten Bookmarking Websites

  1. Digg (7)
  2. Diigo (7)
  3. Folkd (6)
  4. Digital (5)
  5. Ebaum’s World (5)
  6. BuddyMarks (4)
  7. Colivia (4)
  8. Efprof (4)
  9. LinkaGoGo (4)
  10. (4)

Complete List of 60 Dofollow Bookmarking Websites

I’m going to show you how to build links to your videos by doing them manually and automatically hands-off. Now doing this manually is very, very, and, I mean, very, time-consuming if you go about building links by hand.

Doing it by hand can take you months to build a thousand links just to one website or property that links to your video. Below you will see the manual way of doing it, which is not hard, but as I said earlier is that it’s time-consuming.

But, if this manual way is too much and you would love to make this a lot easier, then I will have a section below that will blow your mind of how easy it is to get this process done for you in a matter of minutes all on autopilot..but until then here is the manual way.

Day 1

Write a piece of content around 400 to 600 words that center around your nice market. Within the content, make sure you use your keyword at least three times throughout the article. Next, you will need to post this article to your free blogging site.

Make sure you link your video in the article where you have listed one of your keywords. The link that they give you once your video is live is what you will link within your content. Once that’s completed, it’s time now to publish that article on, which will also give you a link to that article.

Day 2

This is the day we get down to work by signing up for the rest of the web 2.0’s, article directories, and bookmarks websites. Just turn your hat around this day because you will need to signup for all of these accounts.

Day 3

Write a separate piece of content for that’s centered around your niche market. Get it posted to your account, and make sure you link not to your video, but to your URL that has the article you wrote on day one.

The key to ranking your videos is like the following screenshot below.

Video seo marketing 101 ranking blueprints

So, as you can see, the goal is to create a link and then have the other properties to link to that piece of content. What this does is that it builds up strength in that website/page URL by putting it’s a link on all of the other platforms.

Day 4

Now I say day 4 on this one, but it’s maybe like day 7 in real-life terms, because if you’re a new EzineArticles user, then it will take some days before your article is approved. So once its approved, then take some time and post that same article you put on EzineArticles on all of the other platforms you have left.

You will be posting that same article and link to your blog post you published on day one. So take your time, and once you complete that, you should have built a total of 29 back-links to your website.

Next, after you complete that you should move on to another web 2.0 website, and rinse and repeat. The process from start to finish for one website property to build links that will take about a week to finish.

Keep doing this week after week until your video is ranking where you want it to be. So, this is the manual way of doing it in a simple but productive way. The only thing you must do now is.

Rinse and Repeat

How to Automate This Process

One thing I realized after 13 years online is that if it’s possible to automate something, then please do. My time is very valuable, so if I can use a software that could help me complete a project in one day that could take weeks to do, then count me in.

I’m not even going to joke with you guys; I’m a lazy guy when it comes to doing tedious tasks online. Yes, I know creating content is easy, and signing up for all these sorts of sites to post my content to is even easier.  The truth of the matter is that I’m not that patient because I have tons of clients to tend to, so the last thing I want is to do link building to my videos by hand.

The game plan I listed above works 100%, but the issue is that it takes so long and sucks up a lot of your time. So, if you’re a business owner, and doing this yourself, then it takes you away from doing everyday tasks. Now it doesn’t take long to do, but if it’s not something you have to do manually, then I wouldn’t.

In this section, I want to talk about using link building software for your video marketing. Now you don’t even have to consider this, but from experience, I would say that this will make your life much easier. Plus, this software is something you can fire up for about 30 minutes, and with a snap of your fingers, you’re done. In 30 minutes, you could complete a task that would have taken you weeks to complete.

As I said, I learned a long time ago that you should automate any and everything that takes away from growing your business. So, today I want to introduce to you one of the easiest link building software online. The software is called FCS Networker is one of the leading link building software in the world.

The Advance Guide of Local SEO Video Marketing to Dominate Your Local Market 1

This piece of software will make your link building as easy as 1, 2, 3. Now you will be able to set up a project once and allow it to run on autopilot.

  • If you need content, it creates it
  • If you need accounts created, it creates them
  • If you want to link all content together, it does that
  • If you’re going to sit back and relax, then you can

You can set this software up once, and it will run until the end of time. You can have it drip feed your links over a week, months, or even years. Whatever you need this software to do, it will do just that and more with just a few clicks of the mouse.

You can do this yourself or have an intern, employee, or hire someone for pennies on the dollar to run it for you. No matter what, this software will only take nowhere from 30 minutes to 1 hr each day for you to start ranking your videos.

I really can’t say that it’s anymore simpler than that to check it out yourself if you feel like you can save more time, and allow you to spend more time on your business, then it’s an option. Automation is the key to success when it comes to building your brand online.

Yes, the manual way works and will always tell people if you want to get a front-row seat of how we use to do link building back in the day, then manually is the way to go. But, I know as a business owner that you’re time is valuable, so this is why I’m introducing this software to you just in case it’s something you want to take advantage of.

So, to end this long chapter off, I want to say that if you want to dominate your local market, then the video is something that you must do to gain that competitive edge over the competition. Just do a Google search in your local market industry, and if you don’t see videos, then jump in headfirst.

I got a client of mine who is a real estate investor in Dallas, TX, and he seeks me out to help him dominate the Dallas real estate market area. Come to find out that when we did the local competition search, that no one was doing videos, and if they were, the videos were nowhere to be found on the first page. So naturally, he is equipped with the right training to be able to create videos that dominate his market.

Make this guide a part of your local marketing if you want to reap the benefits of more customers/clients, which in the long run, should turn into more profits.

If you think this chapter was filled with tons of video marketing nuggets, wait till you read my next chapter of dominating your local market with Facebook Marketing. The things I will show you how to do will double, triple, or even quadruple your customers/clients if you correctly use these tools. Guarantee you that 99% of your local competition doesn’t even know that this even exists.

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Let’s Dominate This Local Market…

Chapter Four The Ultimate Guide to Dominating Facebook Local Marketing for Small Businesses